15.19. taler-auditor-exchange(1)

15.19.1. Name

taler-auditor-exchange - add or remove exchange from auditor’s list

15.19.2. Synopsis

taler-auditor-exchange [-c FILENAME | –config=FILENAME] [-h | –help] [-m MASTERKEY | –exchange-key=MASTERKEY] [-r | –remove] [-u EXCHANGE_URL | –auditor-url=EXCHANGE_URL] [-v | –version]

15.19.3. Description

taler-auditor-exchange is a command-line tool to be used by an auditor to add or remove an exchange from the list of exchanges audited by the auditor. You must add an exchange to that list before signing denomination keys with taler-auditor-offline or trying to audit it with taler-auditor or taler-wire-auditor. Afterwards the exchange will be visible via the /exchanges API of the taler-auditor-httpd.


Use the configuration and other resources for the exchange to operate from FILENAME.

-h | –help

Print short help on options.

-m MASTERKEY | –exchange-key=MASTERKEY

Public key of the exchange in Crockford base32 encoding, for example as generated by taler-auditor-offline setup.

-r | –remove

Instead of adding the exchange, remove it. Note that this will drop ALL data associated with that exchange, including existing auditing information. So use with extreme care!


URL of the exchange. The exchange’s HTTP API must be available at this address.

-v | –version

Print version information.

15.19.4. Diagnostics

taler-auditor-exchange will return 0 on success, 1 on usage errors, 3 on problems interacting with the database backend, 4 if exchange entry to be added is already in the database (or already missing when used with -r).

15.19.5. See Also

taler-auditor-offline(1), taler.conf(5)

15.19.6. Bugs

We should optionally verify the correctness of this exchange’s base URL and that it matches the master public key (note that the exchange may still be offline, so it should be possible to bypass such a verification step). Furthermore, if we do verification, as a (less secure) convenience option, we should make - m optional and obtain it from the base URL.

Report bugs by using https://bugs.taler.net/ or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org>.