16.42. taler-exchange-wirewatch(1)

16.42.1. Name

taler-exchange-wirewatch - watch for incoming wire transfers

16.42.2. Synopsis

taler-exchange-wirewatch [-c FILENAME | –config=FILENAME] [-h | –help] [-I**_|_–ignore-not-found**] [-L LOGLEVEL | –loglevel=LOGLEVEL] [-l FILENAME | –logfile=FILENAME] [-r | –reset] [-T | –test] [-t PLUGINNAME | –type=PLUGINNAME] [-v | –version]

16.42.3. Description

taler-exchange-wirewatch is a command-line tool to import wire transactions into the Taler exchange database.

Its options are as follows:


Use the configuration and other resources for the exchange to operate from FILENAME.

-f DELAY| –longpoll-timeout=DELAY

How long do we wait for a response for bank transactions from the bank. This is both the timeout for the long polling as well as the maximum frequency at which we would query the bank. Specified with unit (e.g. 30s, 1d, 2w), if no unit is given the number is interpreted in microseconds. Default is 60s.

-h | –help

Print short help on options.

-I | –ignore-not-found

Do not fail if the bank says that the exchange bank account does not (yet) exist. Keep trying.


Specifies the log level to use. Accepted values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR.


Send logging output to FILENAME.

-r | –reset

Ignore our own database and start with transactions from the beginning of time.

-T USEC | –timetravel=USEC

Modify the system time by USEC microseconds. USEC may be prefixed with + or - (e.g. -T +300). This option is intended for debugging/testing only.

-t | –test

Run in test mode and exit when idle.

-v | –version

Print version information.

16.42.4. See Also

taler-exchange-aggregator(1), taler-exchange-httpd(1), taler.conf(5).

16.42.5. Bugs

Report bugs by using https://bugs.taler.net/ or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org>.