
1.5. Wallet-Core API Documentation

This file is auto-generated from wallet-core.

1.5.1. Overview Unknown Group Basic Wallet Information Managing Transactions Withdrawals Merchant Payments Global Currency management Exchange Management Deposits Backups Peer Payments Data Validation Database Management Testing and Debugging

1.5.2. Operation Reference InitWalletOp

 * Initialize wallet-core.
 * Must be the first request made to wallet-core.
export type InitWalletOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.InitWallet;
  request: InitRequest;
  response: InitResponse;
// InitWallet = "initWallet" ShutdownOp

export type ShutdownOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.Shutdown;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// Shutdown = "shutdown" SetWalletRunConfigOp

 * Change the configuration of wallet-core.
 * Currently an alias for the initWallet request.
export type SetWalletRunConfigOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SetWalletRunConfig;
  request: InitRequest;
  response: InitResponse;
// SetWalletRunConfig = "setWalletRunConfig" GetVersionOp

export type GetVersionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetVersion;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: WalletCoreVersion;
// GetVersion = "getVersion" HintNetworkAvailabilityOp

export type HintNetworkAvailabilityOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.HintNetworkAvailability;
  request: HintNetworkAvailabilityRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// HintNetworkAvailability = "hintNetworkAvailability"

export interface HintNetworkAvailabilityRequest {
  isNetworkAvailable: boolean;
} GetBalancesOp

 * Get current wallet balance.
export type GetBalancesOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetBalances;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: BalancesResponse;
// GetBalances = "getBalances"

export interface BalancesResponse {
  balances: WalletBalance[];

export interface WalletBalance {
  scopeInfo: ScopeInfo;
  available: AmountString;
  pendingIncoming: AmountString;
  pendingOutgoing: AmountString;
   * Does the balance for this currency have a pending
   * transaction?
   * @deprecated use flags and pendingIncoming/pendingOutgoing instead
  hasPendingTransactions: boolean;
   * Is there a transaction that requires user input?
   * @deprecated use flags instead
  requiresUserInput: boolean;
  flags: BalanceFlag[];

export declare enum BalanceFlag {
  IncomingKyc = "incoming-kyc",
  IncomingAml = "incoming-aml",
  IncomingConfirmation = "incoming-confirmation",
  OutgoingKyc = "outgoing-kyc",
} GetBalancesDetailOp

export type GetBalancesDetailOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetBalanceDetail;
  request: GetBalanceDetailRequest;
  response: PaymentBalanceDetails;
// GetBalanceDetail = "getBalanceDetail"

export interface GetBalanceDetailRequest {
  currency: string;

export interface PaymentBalanceDetails {
   * Balance of type "available" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceAvailable: AmountJson;
   * Balance of type "material" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceMaterial: AmountJson;
   * Balance of type "age-acceptable" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceAgeAcceptable: AmountJson;
   * Balance of type "merchant-acceptable" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceReceiverAcceptable: AmountJson;
   * Balance of type "merchant-depositable" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceReceiverDepositable: AmountJson;
   * Balance that's depositable with the exchange.
   * This balance is reduced by the exchange's debit restrictions
   * and wire fee configuration.
  balanceExchangeDepositable: AmountJson;
  maxEffectiveSpendAmount: AmountJson;

 * Non-negative financial amount.  Fractional values are expressed as multiples
 * of 1e-8.
export interface AmountJson {
   * Value, must be an integer.
  readonly value: number;
   * Fraction, must be an integer.  Represent 1/1e8 of a unit.
  readonly fraction: number;
   * Currency of the amount.
  readonly currency: string;
} GetPlanForOperationOp

export type GetPlanForOperationOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetPlanForOperation;
  request: GetPlanForOperationRequest;
  response: GetPlanForOperationResponse;
// GetPlanForOperation = "getPlanForOperation"

export type GetPlanForOperationRequest =
  | GetPlanForWithdrawRequest
  | GetPlanForDepositRequest;

interface GetPlanForWithdrawRequest extends GetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation {
  type: TransactionType.Withdrawal;
  exchangeUrl?: string;

interface GetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation {
  instructedAmount: AmountString;
  mode: TransactionAmountMode;

interface GetPlanForDepositRequest extends GetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation {
  type: TransactionType.Deposit;
  account: string;

export interface GetPlanForOperationResponse {
  effectiveAmount: AmountString;
  rawAmount: AmountString;
  counterPartyAmount?: AmountString;
  details: any;
} ConvertDepositAmountOp

export type ConvertDepositAmountOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConvertDepositAmount;
  request: ConvertAmountRequest;
  response: AmountResponse;
// ConvertDepositAmount = "convertDepositAmount" GetMaxDepositAmountOp

export type GetMaxDepositAmountOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetMaxDepositAmount;
  request: GetAmountRequest;
  response: AmountResponse;
// GetMaxDepositAmount = "getMaxDepositAmount" ConvertPeerPushAmountOp

export type ConvertPeerPushAmountOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConvertPeerPushAmount;
  request: ConvertAmountRequest;
  response: AmountResponse;
// ConvertPeerPushAmount = "ConvertPeerPushAmount" GetMaxPeerPushAmountOp

export type GetMaxPeerPushAmountOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetMaxPeerPushAmount;
  request: GetAmountRequest;
  response: AmountResponse;
// GetMaxPeerPushAmount = "getMaxPeerPushAmount" ConvertWithdrawalAmountOp

export type ConvertWithdrawalAmountOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConvertWithdrawalAmount;
  request: ConvertAmountRequest;
  response: AmountResponse;
// ConvertWithdrawalAmount = "convertWithdrawalAmount" GetTransactionsOp

 * Get transactions.
export type GetTransactionsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetTransactions;
  request: TransactionsRequest;
  response: TransactionsResponse;
// GetTransactions = "getTransactions"

export interface TransactionsRequest {
   * return only transactions in the given currency
   * it will be removed in next release
   * @deprecated use scopeInfo
  currency?: string;
   * return only transactions in the given scopeInfo
  scopeInfo?: ScopeInfo;
   * if present, results will be limited to transactions related to the given search string
  search?: string;
   * Sort order of the transaction items.
   * By default, items are sorted ascending by their
   * main timestamp.
   * ascending: ascending by timestamp, but pending transactions first
   * descending: ascending by timestamp, but pending transactions first
   * stable-ascending: ascending by timestamp, with pending transactions amidst other transactions
   *    (stable in the sense of: pending transactions don't jump around)
  sort?: "ascending" | "descending" | "stable-ascending";
   * If true, include all refreshes in the transactions list.
  includeRefreshes?: boolean;
  filterByState?: TransactionStateFilter;
} ListAssociatedRefreshesOp

 * List refresh transactions associated with another transaction.
export type ListAssociatedRefreshesOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListAssociatedRefreshes;
  request: ListAssociatedRefreshesRequest;
  response: ListAssociatedRefreshesResponse;
// ListAssociatedRefreshes = "listAssociatedRefreshes"

export interface ListAssociatedRefreshesRequest {
  transactionId: string;

export interface ListAssociatedRefreshesResponse {
  transactionIds: string[];
} TestingGetSampleTransactionsOp

 * Get sample transactions.
export type TestingGetSampleTransactionsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingGetSampleTransactions;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: TransactionsResponse;
// TestingGetSampleTransactions = "testingGetSampleTransactions" GetTransactionByIdOp

export type GetTransactionByIdOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetTransactionById;
  request: TransactionByIdRequest;
  response: Transaction;
// GetTransactionById = "getTransactionById"

export interface TransactionByIdRequest {
  transactionId: string;
} GetWithdrawalTransactionByUriOp

export type GetWithdrawalTransactionByUriOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalTransactionByUri;
  request: WithdrawalTransactionByURIRequest;
  response: TransactionWithdrawal | undefined;
// GetWithdrawalTransactionByUri = "getWithdrawalTransactionByUri"

export interface WithdrawalTransactionByURIRequest {
  talerWithdrawUri: string;
} RetryPendingNowOp

export type RetryPendingNowOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RetryPendingNow;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RetryPendingNow = "retryPendingNow" DeleteTransactionOp

 * Delete a transaction locally in the wallet.
export type DeleteTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.DeleteTransaction;
  request: DeleteTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// DeleteTransaction = "deleteTransaction"

export interface DeleteTransactionRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} RetryTransactionOp

 * Immediately retry a transaction.
export type RetryTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RetryTransaction;
  request: RetryTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RetryTransaction = "retryTransaction"

export interface RetryTransactionRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} AbortTransactionOp

 * Abort a transaction
 * For payment transactions, it puts the payment into an "aborting" state.
export type AbortTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AbortTransaction;
  request: AbortTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// AbortTransaction = "abortTransaction" FailTransactionOp

 * Cancel aborting a transaction
 * For payment transactions, it puts the payment into an "aborting" state.
export type FailTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.FailTransaction;
  request: FailTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// FailTransaction = "failTransaction"

export interface FailTransactionRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} SuspendTransactionOp

 * Suspend a transaction
export type SuspendTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SuspendTransaction;
  request: AbortTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// SuspendTransaction = "suspendTransaction" ResumeTransactionOp

 * Resume a transaction
export type ResumeTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ResumeTransaction;
  request: AbortTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ResumeTransaction = "resumeTransaction" GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountOp

 * Get details for withdrawing a particular amount (manual withdrawal).
export type GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount;
  request: GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountRequest;
  response: WithdrawalDetailsForAmount;
// GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount = "getWithdrawalDetailsForAmount"

export interface GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmountRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  amount: AmountString;
  restrictAge?: number;
   * ID provided by the client to cancel the request.
   * If the same request is made again with the same clientCancellationId,
   * all previous requests are cancelled.
   * The cancelled request will receive an error response with
   * an error code that indicates the cancellation.
   * The cancellation is best-effort, responses might still arrive.
  clientCancellationId?: string;

export interface WithdrawalDetailsForAmount {
   * Did the user accept the current version of the exchange's
   * terms of service?
   * @deprecated the client should query the exchange entry instead
  tosAccepted: boolean;
   * Amount that the user will transfer to the exchange.
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that will be added to the user's wallet balance.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
   * Number of coins that would be used for withdrawal.
   * The UIs should warn if this number is too high (roughly at >100).
  numCoins: number;
   * Ways to pay the exchange.
   * @deprecated in favor of withdrawalAccountsList
  paytoUris: string[];
   * Ways to pay the exchange, including accounts that require currency conversion.
  withdrawalAccountsList: WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails[];
   * If the exchange supports age-restricted coins it will return
   * the array of ages.
  ageRestrictionOptions?: number[];
   * Scope info of the currency withdrawn.
  scopeInfo: ScopeInfo;
} GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriOp

 * Get details for withdrawing via a particular taler:// URI.
export type GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri;
  request: GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriRequest;
  response: WithdrawUriInfoResponse;
// GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri = "getWithdrawalDetailsForUri"

export interface GetWithdrawalDetailsForUriRequest {
  talerWithdrawUri: string;
   * @deprecated not used
  restrictAge?: number;
} PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawalOp

 * Prepare a bank-integrated withdrawal operation.
export type PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawalOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawal;
  request: PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest;
  response: PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawalResponse;
// PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawal = "prepareBankIntegratedWithdrawal"

export interface PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest {
  talerWithdrawUri: string;

export interface PrepareBankIntegratedWithdrawalResponse {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  info: WithdrawUriInfoResponse;
} ConfirmWithdrawalOp

 * Confirm a withdrawal transaction.
export type ConfirmWithdrawalOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConfirmWithdrawal;
  request: ConfirmWithdrawalRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ConfirmWithdrawal = "confirmWithdrawal"

export interface ConfirmWithdrawalRequest {
  transactionId: string;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  amount: AmountString;
  forcedDenomSel?: ForcedDenomSel;
  restrictAge?: number;
} AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalOp

 * Accept a bank-integrated withdrawal.
 * @deprecated in favor of prepare/confirm withdrawal.
export type AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal;
  request: AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest;
  response: AcceptWithdrawalResponse;
// AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal = "acceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal"

export interface AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawalRequest {
  talerWithdrawUri: string;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  forcedDenomSel?: ForcedDenomSel;
   * Amount to withdraw.
   * If the bank's withdrawal operation uses a fixed amount,
   * this field must either be left undefined or its value must match
   * the amount from the withdrawal operation.
  amount?: AmountString;
  restrictAge?: number;

export interface AcceptWithdrawalResponse {
  reservePub: string;
  confirmTransferUrl?: string;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} AcceptManualWithdrawalOp

 * Create a manual withdrawal.
export type AcceptManualWithdrawalOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AcceptManualWithdrawal;
  request: AcceptManualWithdrawalRequest;
  response: AcceptManualWithdrawalResult;
// AcceptManualWithdrawal = "acceptManualWithdrawal"

export interface AcceptManualWithdrawalRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  amount: AmountString;
  restrictAge?: number;
   * Instead of generating a fresh, random reserve key pair,
   * use the provided reserve private key.
   * Use with caution.  Usage of this field may be restricted
   * to developer mode.
  forceReservePriv?: EddsaPrivateKeyString;

export interface AcceptManualWithdrawalResult {
   * Payto URIs that can be used to fund the withdrawal.
   * @deprecated in favor of withdrawalAccountsList
  exchangePaytoUris: string[];
   * Public key of the newly created reserve.
  reservePub: string;
  withdrawalAccountsList: WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails[];
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} PreparePayForUriOp

 * Prepare to make a payment based on a taler://pay/ URI.
export type PreparePayForUriOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForUri;
  request: PreparePayRequest;
  response: PreparePayResult;
// PreparePayForUri = "preparePayForUri"

export interface PreparePayRequest {
  talerPayUri: string;
} SharePaymentOp

export type SharePaymentOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SharePayment;
  request: SharePaymentRequest;
  response: SharePaymentResult;
// SharePayment = "sharePayment"

export interface SharePaymentRequest {
  merchantBaseUrl: string;
  orderId: string;

export interface SharePaymentResult {
  privatePayUri: string;
} CheckPayForTemplateOp

export type CheckPayForTemplateOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.CheckPayForTemplate;
  request: CheckPayTemplateRequest;
  response: CheckPayTemplateReponse;
// CheckPayForTemplate = "checkPayForTemplate"

export interface CheckPayTemplateRequest {
  talerPayTemplateUri: string;

export type CheckPayTemplateReponse = {
  templateDetails: TalerMerchantApi.WalletTemplateDetails;
  supportedCurrencies: string[];

export interface WalletTemplateDetails {
  template_contract: TemplateContractDetails;
  editable_defaults?: TemplateContractDetailsDefaults;

export interface TemplateContractDetails {
  summary?: string;
  currency?: string;
  amount?: AmountString;
  minimum_age: Integer;
  pay_duration: RelativeTime;

export interface TemplateContractDetailsDefaults {
  summary?: string;
  currency?: string;
   * Amount *or* a plain currency string.
  amount?: string;
} PreparePayForTemplateOp

 * Prepare to make a payment based on a taler://pay-template/ URI.
export type PreparePayForTemplateOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForTemplate;
  request: PreparePayTemplateRequest;
  response: PreparePayResult;
// PreparePayForTemplate = "preparePayForTemplate"

export interface PreparePayTemplateRequest {
  talerPayTemplateUri: string;
  templateParams?: TemplateParams;

export type TemplateParams = {
  amount?: string;
  summary?: string;
}; GetContractTermsDetailsOp

export type GetContractTermsDetailsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetContractTermsDetails;
  request: GetContractTermsDetailsRequest;
  response: WalletContractData;
// GetContractTermsDetails = "getContractTermsDetails"

export interface GetContractTermsDetailsRequest {
  proposalId?: string;
  transactionId?: string;

 * Data extracted from the contract terms that is relevant for payment
 * processing in the wallet.
export interface WalletContractData {
   * Fulfillment URL, or the empty string if the order has no fulfillment URL.
   * Stored as a non-nullable string as we use this field for IndexedDB indexing.
  fulfillmentUrl: string;
  contractTermsHash: string;
  fulfillmentMessage?: string;
  fulfillmentMessageI18n?: InternationalizedString;
  merchantSig: string;
  merchantPub: string;
  merchant: MerchantInfo;
  amount: AmountString;
  orderId: string;
  merchantBaseUrl: string;
  summary: string;
    | {
        [lang_tag: string]: string;
    | undefined;
  autoRefund: TalerProtocolDuration | undefined;
  payDeadline: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  refundDeadline: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  allowedExchanges: AllowedExchangeInfo[];
  timestamp: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  wireMethod: string;
  wireInfoHash: string;
  maxDepositFee: AmountString;
  minimumAge?: number;

export interface AllowedExchangeInfo {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  exchangePub: string;
} ConfirmPayOp

 * Confirm a payment that was previously prepared with
 * {@link PreparePayForUriOp}
export type ConfirmPayOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPay;
  request: ConfirmPayRequest;
  response: ConfirmPayResult;
// ConfirmPay = "confirmPay"

export interface ConfirmPayRequest {
   * @deprecated use transactionId instead
  proposalId?: string;
  transactionId?: TransactionIdStr;
  sessionId?: string;
  forcedCoinSel?: ForcedCoinSel;

export type ConfirmPayResult = ConfirmPayResultDone | ConfirmPayResultPending;

 * Result for confirmPay
export interface ConfirmPayResultDone {
  type: ConfirmPayResultType.Done;
  contractTerms: MerchantContractTerms;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;

export interface ConfirmPayResultPending {
  type: ConfirmPayResultType.Pending;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  lastError: TalerErrorDetail | undefined;
} StartRefundQueryForUriOp

 * Check for a refund based on a taler://refund URI.
export type StartRefundQueryForUriOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.StartRefundQueryForUri;
  request: PrepareRefundRequest;
  response: StartRefundQueryForUriResponse;
// StartRefundQueryForUri = "startRefundQueryForUri"

export interface PrepareRefundRequest {
  talerRefundUri: string;

export interface StartRefundQueryForUriResponse {
   * Transaction id of the *payment* where the refund query was started.
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} StartRefundQueryOp

export type StartRefundQueryOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.StartRefundQuery;
  request: StartRefundQueryRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// StartRefundQuery = "startRefundQuery"

export interface StartRefundQueryRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} ListGlobalCurrencyAuditorsOp

export type ListGlobalCurrencyAuditorsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListGlobalCurrencyAuditors;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: ListGlobalCurrencyAuditorsResponse;
// ListGlobalCurrencyAuditors = "listGlobalCurrencyAuditors"

export interface ListGlobalCurrencyAuditorsResponse {
  auditors: {
    currency: string;
    auditorBaseUrl: string;
    auditorPub: string;
} ListGlobalCurrencyExchangesOp

export type ListGlobalCurrencyExchangesOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListGlobalCurrencyExchanges;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: ListGlobalCurrencyExchangesResponse;
// ListGlobalCurrencyExchanges = "listGlobalCurrencyExchanges"

export interface ListGlobalCurrencyExchangesResponse {
  exchanges: {
    currency: string;
    exchangeBaseUrl: string;
    exchangeMasterPub: string;
} AddGlobalCurrencyExchangeOp

export type AddGlobalCurrencyExchangeOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AddGlobalCurrencyExchange;
  request: AddGlobalCurrencyExchangeRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// AddGlobalCurrencyExchange = "addGlobalCurrencyExchange"

export interface AddGlobalCurrencyExchangeRequest {
  currency: string;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  exchangeMasterPub: string;
} AddGlobalCurrencyAuditorOp

export type AddGlobalCurrencyAuditorOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AddGlobalCurrencyAuditor;
  request: AddGlobalCurrencyAuditorRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// AddGlobalCurrencyAuditor = "addGlobalCurrencyAuditor"

export interface AddGlobalCurrencyAuditorRequest {
  currency: string;
  auditorBaseUrl: string;
  auditorPub: string;
} RemoveGlobalCurrencyExchangeOp

export type RemoveGlobalCurrencyExchangeOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RemoveGlobalCurrencyExchange;
  request: RemoveGlobalCurrencyExchangeRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RemoveGlobalCurrencyExchange = "removeGlobalCurrencyExchange"

export interface RemoveGlobalCurrencyExchangeRequest {
  currency: string;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  exchangeMasterPub: string;
} RemoveGlobalCurrencyAuditorOp

export type RemoveGlobalCurrencyAuditorOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RemoveGlobalCurrencyAuditor;
  request: RemoveGlobalCurrencyAuditorRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RemoveGlobalCurrencyAuditor = "removeGlobalCurrencyAuditor"

export interface RemoveGlobalCurrencyAuditorRequest {
  currency: string;
  auditorBaseUrl: string;
  auditorPub: string;
} ListExchangesOp

 * List exchanges known to the wallet.
export type ListExchangesOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListExchanges;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: ExchangesListResponse;
// ListExchanges = "listExchanges"

export interface ExchangesListResponse {
  exchanges: ExchangeListItem[];
} ListExchangesForScopedCurrencyOp

 * List exchanges that are available for withdrawing a particular
 * scoped currency.
export type ListExchangesForScopedCurrencyOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListExchangesForScopedCurrency;
  request: ListExchangesForScopedCurrencyRequest;
  response: ExchangesShortListResponse;
// ListExchangesForScopedCurrency = "listExchangesForScopedCurrency"

export interface ListExchangesForScopedCurrencyRequest {
  scope: ScopeInfo;

export interface ExchangesShortListResponse {
  exchanges: ShortExchangeListItem[];

export interface ShortExchangeListItem {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
} PrepareWithdrawExchangeOp

 * Prepare for withdrawing via a taler://withdraw-exchange URI.
export type PrepareWithdrawExchangeOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PrepareWithdrawExchange;
  request: PrepareWithdrawExchangeRequest;
  response: PrepareWithdrawExchangeResponse;
// PrepareWithdrawExchange = "prepareWithdrawExchange"

export interface PrepareWithdrawExchangeRequest {
   * A taler://withdraw-exchange URI.
  talerUri: string;

export interface PrepareWithdrawExchangeResponse {
   * Base URL of the exchange that already existed
   * or was ephemerally added as an exchange entry to
   * the wallet.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * Amount from the taler://withdraw-exchange URI.
   * Only present if specified in the URI.
  amount?: AmountString;
} AddExchangeOp

 * Add / force-update an exchange.
export type AddExchangeOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AddExchange;
  request: AddExchangeRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// AddExchange = "addExchange" UpdateExchangeEntryOp

 * Update an exchange entry.
export type UpdateExchangeEntryOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.UpdateExchangeEntry;
  request: UpdateExchangeEntryRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// UpdateExchangeEntry = "updateExchangeEntry"

export interface UpdateExchangeEntryRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  force?: boolean;
} ListKnownBankAccountsOp

export type ListKnownBankAccountsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListKnownBankAccounts;
  request: ListKnownBankAccountsRequest;
  response: KnownBankAccounts;
// ListKnownBankAccounts = "listKnownBankAccounts"

export interface ListKnownBankAccountsRequest {
  currency?: string;

export interface KnownBankAccounts {
  accounts: KnownBankAccountsInfo[];

export interface KnownBankAccountsInfo {
  uri: PaytoUri;
  kyc_completed: boolean;
  currency: string;
  alias: string;

export type PaytoUri =
  | PaytoUriUnknown
  | PaytoUriIBAN
  | PaytoUriTalerBank
  | PaytoUriBitcoin;

export interface PaytoUriUnknown extends PaytoUriGeneric {
  isKnown: false;

export interface PaytoUriGeneric {
  targetType: PaytoType | string;
  targetPath: string;
  params: {
    [name: string]: string;

export type PaytoType = "iban" | "bitcoin" | "x-taler-bank";

export interface PaytoUriIBAN extends PaytoUriGeneric {
  isKnown: true;
  targetType: "iban";
  iban: string;
  bic?: string;

export interface PaytoUriTalerBank extends PaytoUriGeneric {
  isKnown: true;
  targetType: "x-taler-bank";
  host: string;
  account: string;

export interface PaytoUriBitcoin extends PaytoUriGeneric {
  isKnown: true;
  targetType: "bitcoin";
  address: string;
  segwitAddrs: Array<string>;
} AddKnownBankAccountsOp

export type AddKnownBankAccountsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AddKnownBankAccounts;
  request: AddKnownBankAccountsRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// AddKnownBankAccounts = "addKnownBankAccounts"

export interface AddKnownBankAccountsRequest {
  payto: string;
  alias: string;
  currency: string;
} ForgetKnownBankAccountsOp

export type ForgetKnownBankAccountsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ForgetKnownBankAccounts;
  request: ForgetKnownBankAccountsRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ForgetKnownBankAccounts = "forgetKnownBankAccounts"

export interface ForgetKnownBankAccountsRequest {
  payto: string;
} SetExchangeTosAcceptedOp

 * Accept a particular version of the exchange terms of service.
export type SetExchangeTosAcceptedOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SetExchangeTosAccepted;
  request: AcceptExchangeTosRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// SetExchangeTosAccepted = "setExchangeTosAccepted" SetExchangeTosForgottenOp

 * Accept a particular version of the exchange terms of service.
export type SetExchangeTosForgottenOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SetExchangeTosForgotten;
  request: AcceptExchangeTosRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// SetExchangeTosForgotten = "setExchangeTosForgotten" GetExchangeTosOp

 * Get the current terms of a service of an exchange.
export type GetExchangeTosOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeTos;
  request: GetExchangeTosRequest;
  response: GetExchangeTosResult;
// GetExchangeTos = "getExchangeTos"

export interface GetExchangeTosRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  acceptedFormat?: string[];
  acceptLanguage?: string;

export interface GetExchangeTosResult {
   * Markdown version of the current ToS.
  content: string;
   * Version tag of the current ToS.
  currentEtag: string;
   * Version tag of the last ToS that the user has accepted,
   * if any.
  acceptedEtag: string | undefined;
   * Accepted content type
  contentType: string;
   * Language of the returned content.
   * If missing, language is unknown.
  contentLanguage: string | undefined;
   * Available languages as advertised by the exchange.
  tosAvailableLanguages: string[];
  tosStatus: ExchangeTosStatus;
} GetDepositWireTypesForCurrencyOp

 * Get wire types that can be used for a deposit operation
 * with the provided currency.
export type GetDepositWireTypesForCurrencyOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetDepositWireTypesForCurrency;
  request: GetDepositWireTypesForCurrencyRequest;
  response: GetDepositWireTypesForCurrencyResponse;
// GetDepositWireTypesForCurrency = "getDepositWireTypesForCurrency"

export interface GetDepositWireTypesForCurrencyRequest {
  currency: string;
   * Optional scope info to further restrict the result.
   * Currency must match the currency field.
  scopeInfo?: ScopeInfo;

 * Response with wire types that are supported for a deposit.
 * In the future, we might surface more information here, such as debit restrictions
 * by the exchange, which then can be shown by UIs to the user before they
 * enter their payment information.
export interface GetDepositWireTypesForCurrencyResponse {
  wireTypes: string[];
} GetExchangeDetailedInfoOp

 * Get the current terms of a service of an exchange.
export type GetExchangeDetailedInfoOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeDetailedInfo;
  request: AddExchangeRequest;
  response: ExchangeDetailedResponse;
// GetExchangeDetailedInfo = "getExchangeDetailedInfo"

export interface ExchangeDetailedResponse {
  exchange: ExchangeFullDetails;

export interface ExchangeFullDetails {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  currency: string;
  paytoUris: string[];
  auditors: ExchangeAuditor[];
  wireInfo: WireInfo;
  denomFees: DenomOperationMap<FeeDescription[]>;
  transferFees: Record<string, FeeDescription[]>;
  globalFees: FeeDescription[];

export interface WireInfo {
  feesForType: WireFeeMap;
  accounts: ExchangeWireAccount[];

export type WireFeeMap = {
  [wireMethod: string]: WireFee[];

 * Wire fee for one wire method
export interface WireFee {
   * Fee for wire transfers.
  wireFee: AmountString;
   * Fees to close and refund a reserve.
  closingFee: AmountString;
   * Start date of the fee.
  startStamp: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
   * End date of the fee.
  endStamp: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
   * Signature made by the exchange master key.
  sig: string;

export interface ExchangeWireAccount {
  payto_uri: string;
  conversion_url?: string;
  credit_restrictions: AccountRestriction[];
  debit_restrictions: AccountRestriction[];
  master_sig: EddsaSignatureString;
  bank_label?: string;
  priority?: number;

export type DenomOperationMap<T> = {
  [op in DenomOperation]: T;

export type DenomOperation = "deposit" | "withdraw" | "refresh" | "refund";

export interface FeeDescription {
  group: string;
  from: AbsoluteTime;
  until: AbsoluteTime;
  fee?: AmountString;
} GetExchangeEntryByUrlOp

 * Get the current terms of a service of an exchange.
export type GetExchangeEntryByUrlOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeEntryByUrl;
  request: GetExchangeEntryByUrlRequest;
  response: GetExchangeEntryByUrlResponse;
// GetExchangeEntryByUrl = "getExchangeEntryByUrl"

export interface GetExchangeEntryByUrlRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
} GetExchangeResourcesOp

 * Get resources associated with an exchange.
export type GetExchangeResourcesOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeResources;
  request: GetExchangeResourcesRequest;
  response: GetExchangeResourcesResponse;
// GetExchangeResources = "getExchangeResources"

export interface GetExchangeResourcesRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;

export interface GetExchangeResourcesResponse {
  hasResources: boolean;
} DeleteExchangeOp

 * Get resources associated with an exchange.
export type DeleteExchangeOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeResources;
  request: DeleteExchangeRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// GetExchangeResources = "getExchangeResources"

export interface DeleteExchangeRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  purge?: boolean;
} GetCurrencySpecificationOp

export type GetCurrencySpecificationOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetCurrencySpecification;
  request: GetCurrencySpecificationRequest;
  response: GetCurrencySpecificationResponse;
// GetCurrencySpecification = "getCurrencySpecification"

export interface GetCurrencySpecificationRequest {
  scope: ScopeInfo;

export interface GetCurrencySpecificationResponse {
  currencySpecification: CurrencySpecification;
} GenerateDepositGroupTxIdOp

 * Generate a fresh transaction ID for a deposit group.
 * The resulting transaction ID can be specified when creating
 * a deposit group, so that the client can already start waiting for notifications
 * on that specific deposit group before the GreateDepositGroup request returns.
export type GenerateDepositGroupTxIdOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GenerateDepositGroupTxId;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: TxIdResponse;
// GenerateDepositGroupTxId = "generateDepositGroupTxId"

export interface TxIdResponse {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} CreateDepositGroupOp

 * Create a new deposit group.
 * Deposit groups are used to deposit multiple coins to a bank
 * account, usually the wallet user's own bank account.
export type CreateDepositGroupOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.CreateDepositGroup;
  request: CreateDepositGroupRequest;
  response: CreateDepositGroupResponse;
// CreateDepositGroup = "createDepositGroup"

export interface CreateDepositGroupRequest {
   * Pre-allocated transaction ID.
   * Allows clients to easily handle notifications
   * that occur while the operation has been created but
   * before the creation request has returned.
  transactionId?: TransactionIdStr;
  depositPaytoUri: string;
  amount: AmountString;

export interface CreateDepositGroupResponse {
  depositGroupId: string;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} PrepareDepositOp

export type PrepareDepositOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PrepareDeposit;
  request: PrepareDepositRequest;
  response: PrepareDepositResponse;
// PrepareDeposit = "prepareDeposit"

export interface PrepareDepositRequest {
  depositPaytoUri: string;
  amount: AmountString;

export interface PrepareDepositResponse {
  totalDepositCost: AmountString;
  effectiveDepositAmount: AmountString;
  fees: DepositGroupFees;

export interface DepositGroupFees {
  coin: AmountString;
  wire: AmountString;
  refresh: AmountString;
} ExportBackupRecoveryOp

 * Export the recovery information for the wallet.
export type ExportBackupRecoveryOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupRecovery;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: BackupRecovery;
// ExportBackupRecovery = "exportBackupRecovery" ImportBackupRecoveryOp

 * Import recovery information into the wallet.
export type ImportBackupRecoveryOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ImportBackupRecovery;
  request: RecoveryLoadRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ImportBackupRecovery = "importBackupRecovery"

 * Load recovery information into the wallet.
export interface RecoveryLoadRequest {
  recovery: BackupRecovery;
  strategy?: RecoveryMergeStrategy;

 * Strategy for loading recovery information.
export declare enum RecoveryMergeStrategy {
   * Keep the local wallet root key, import and take over providers.
  Ours = "ours",
   * Migrate to the wallet root key from the recovery information.
  Theirs = "theirs",
} RunBackupCycleOp

 * Manually make and upload a backup.
export type RunBackupCycleOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle;
  request: RunBackupCycleRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RunBackupCycle = "runBackupCycle"

export interface RunBackupCycleRequest {
   * List of providers to backup or empty for all known providers.
  providers?: Array<string>;
} ExportBackupOp

export type ExportBackupOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ExportBackup;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ExportBackup = "exportBackup" AddBackupProviderOp

 * Add a new backup provider.
export type AddBackupProviderOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.AddBackupProvider;
  request: AddBackupProviderRequest;
  response: AddBackupProviderResponse;
// AddBackupProvider = "addBackupProvider"

export interface AddBackupProviderRequest {
  backupProviderBaseUrl: string;
  name: string;
   * Activate the provider.  Should only be done after
   * the user has reviewed the provider.
  activate?: boolean;

export type AddBackupProviderResponse =
  | AddBackupProviderOk
  | AddBackupProviderPaymentRequired;

interface AddBackupProviderOk {
  status: "ok";

interface AddBackupProviderPaymentRequired {
  status: "payment-required";
  talerUri?: string;
} RemoveBackupProviderOp

export type RemoveBackupProviderOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RemoveBackupProvider;
  request: RemoveBackupProviderRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RemoveBackupProvider = "removeBackupProvider"

export interface RemoveBackupProviderRequest {
  provider: string;
} GetBackupInfoOp

 * Get some useful stats about the backup state.
export type GetBackupInfoOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetBackupInfo;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: BackupInfo;
// GetBackupInfo = "getBackupInfo"

export interface BackupInfo {
  walletRootPub: string;
  deviceId: string;
  providers: ProviderInfo[];

 * Information about one provider.
 * We don't store the account key here,
 * as that's derived from the wallet root key.
export interface ProviderInfo {
  active: boolean;
  syncProviderBaseUrl: string;
  name: string;
  terms?: BackupProviderTerms;
   * Last communication issue with the provider.
  lastError?: TalerErrorDetail;
  lastSuccessfulBackupTimestamp?: TalerPreciseTimestamp;
  lastAttemptedBackupTimestamp?: TalerPreciseTimestamp;
  paymentProposalIds: string[];
  backupProblem?: BackupProblem;
  paymentStatus: ProviderPaymentStatus;

export interface BackupProviderTerms {
  supportedProtocolVersion: string;
  annualFee: AmountString;
  storageLimitInMegabytes: number;

export type BackupProblem =
  | BackupUnreadableProblem
  | BackupConflictingDeviceProblem;

export interface BackupUnreadableProblem {
  type: "backup-unreadable";

export interface BackupConflictingDeviceProblem {
  type: "backup-conflicting-device";
  otherDeviceId: string;
  myDeviceId: string;
  backupTimestamp: AbsoluteTime;

export type ProviderPaymentStatus =
  | ProviderPaymentTermsChanged
  | ProviderPaymentPaid
  | ProviderPaymentInsufficientBalance
  | ProviderPaymentUnpaid
  | ProviderPaymentPending;

export interface ProviderPaymentTermsChanged {
  type: ProviderPaymentType.TermsChanged;
  paidUntil: AbsoluteTime;
  oldTerms: BackupProviderTerms;
  newTerms: BackupProviderTerms;

export interface ProviderPaymentPaid {
  type: ProviderPaymentType.Paid;
  paidUntil: AbsoluteTime;

export interface ProviderPaymentInsufficientBalance {
  type: ProviderPaymentType.InsufficientBalance;
  amount: AmountString;

export interface ProviderPaymentUnpaid {
  type: ProviderPaymentType.Unpaid;

export interface ProviderPaymentPending {
  type: ProviderPaymentType.Pending;
  talerUri?: string;
} SetWalletDeviceIdOp

 * Set the internal device ID of the wallet, used to
 * identify whether a different/new wallet is accessing
 * the backup of another wallet.
export type SetWalletDeviceIdOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SetWalletDeviceId;
  request: SetWalletDeviceIdRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// SetWalletDeviceId = "setWalletDeviceId"

export interface SetWalletDeviceIdRequest {
   * New wallet device ID to set.
  walletDeviceId: string;
} ListStoredBackupsOp

export type ListStoredBackupsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ListStoredBackups;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: StoredBackupList;
// ListStoredBackups = "listStoredBackups"

export interface StoredBackupList {
  storedBackups: {
    name: string;
} CreateStoredBackupsOp

export type CreateStoredBackupsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.CreateStoredBackup;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: CreateStoredBackupResponse;
// CreateStoredBackup = "createStoredBackup"

export interface CreateStoredBackupResponse {
  name: string;
} RecoverStoredBackupsOp

export type RecoverStoredBackupsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RecoverStoredBackup;
  request: RecoverStoredBackupRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RecoverStoredBackup = "recoverStoredBackup"

export interface RecoverStoredBackupRequest {
  name: string;
} DeleteStoredBackupOp

export type DeleteStoredBackupOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.DeleteStoredBackup;
  request: DeleteStoredBackupRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// DeleteStoredBackup = "deleteStoredBackup"

export interface DeleteStoredBackupRequest {
  name: string;
} CheckPeerPushDebitOp

 * Check if initiating a peer push payment is possible
 * based on the funds in the wallet.
export type CheckPeerPushDebitOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.CheckPeerPushDebit;
  request: CheckPeerPushDebitRequest;
  response: CheckPeerPushDebitResponse;
// CheckPeerPushDebit = "checkPeerPushDebit"

export interface CheckPeerPushDebitRequest {
   * Preferred exchange to use for the p2p payment.
  exchangeBaseUrl?: string;
   * Instructed amount.
   * FIXME: Allow specifying the instructed amount type.
  amount: AmountString;

export interface CheckPeerPushDebitResponse {
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * Maximum expiration date, based on how close the coins
   * used for the payment are to expiry.
   * The value is based on when the wallet would typically
   * automatically refresh the coins on its own, leaving enough
   * time to get a refund for the push payment and refresh the
   * coin.
  maxExpirationDate: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
} InitiatePeerPushDebitOp

 * Initiate an outgoing peer push payment.
export type InitiatePeerPushDebitOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.InitiatePeerPushDebit;
  request: InitiatePeerPushDebitRequest;
  response: InitiatePeerPushDebitResponse;
// InitiatePeerPushDebit = "initiatePeerPushDebit"

export interface InitiatePeerPushDebitRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl?: string;
  partialContractTerms: PeerContractTerms;

export interface InitiatePeerPushDebitResponse {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  pursePub: string;
  mergePriv: string;
  contractPriv: string;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} PreparePeerPushCreditOp

 * Check an incoming peer push payment.
export type PreparePeerPushCreditOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PreparePeerPushCredit;
  request: PreparePeerPushCreditRequest;
  response: PreparePeerPushCreditResponse;
// PreparePeerPushCredit = "preparePeerPushCredit"

export interface PreparePeerPushCreditRequest {
  talerUri: string;

export interface PreparePeerPushCreditResponse {
  contractTerms: PeerContractTerms;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * @deprecated use transaction ID instead.
  peerPushCreditId: string;
   * @deprecated
  amount: AmountString;
} ConfirmPeerPushCreditOp

 * Accept an incoming peer push payment.
export type ConfirmPeerPushCreditOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPeerPushCredit;
  request: ConfirmPeerPushCreditRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ConfirmPeerPushCredit = "confirmPeerPushCredit"

export interface ConfirmPeerPushCreditRequest {
  transactionId: string;
} CheckPeerPullCreditOp

 * Check fees for an outgoing peer pull payment.
export type CheckPeerPullCreditOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.CheckPeerPullCredit;
  request: CheckPeerPullCreditRequest;
  response: CheckPeerPullCreditResponse;
// CheckPeerPullCredit = "checkPeerPullCredit"

export interface CheckPeerPullCreditRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl?: string;
  amount: AmountString;

export interface CheckPeerPullCreditResponse {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
   * Number of coins that will be used,
   * can be used by the UI to warn if excessively large.
  numCoins: number;
} InitiatePeerPullCreditOp

 * Initiate an outgoing peer pull payment.
export type InitiatePeerPullCreditOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.InitiatePeerPullCredit;
  request: InitiatePeerPullCreditRequest;
  response: InitiatePeerPullCreditResponse;
// InitiatePeerPullCredit = "initiatePeerPullCredit"

export interface InitiatePeerPullCreditRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl?: string;
  partialContractTerms: PeerContractTerms;

export interface InitiatePeerPullCreditResponse {
   * Taler URI for the other party to make the payment
   * that was requested.
   * @deprecated since it's not necessarily valid yet until the tx is in the right state
  talerUri: string;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} PreparePeerPullDebitOp

 * Prepare for an incoming peer pull payment.
export type PreparePeerPullDebitOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.PreparePeerPullDebit;
  request: PreparePeerPullDebitRequest;
  response: PreparePeerPullDebitResponse;
// PreparePeerPullDebit = "preparePeerPullDebit"

export interface PreparePeerPullDebitRequest {
  talerUri: string;

export interface PreparePeerPullDebitResponse {
  contractTerms: PeerContractTerms;
   * @deprecated Redundant field with bad name, will be removed soon.
  amount: AmountString;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  peerPullDebitId: string;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} ConfirmPeerPullDebitOp

 * Accept an incoming peer pull payment (i.e. pay the other party).
export type ConfirmPeerPullDebitOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPeerPullDebit;
  request: ConfirmPeerPullDebitRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ConfirmPeerPullDebit = "confirmPeerPullDebit"

export interface ConfirmPeerPullDebitRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
} ValidateIbanOp

export type ValidateIbanOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ValidateIban;
  request: ValidateIbanRequest;
  response: ValidateIbanResponse;
// ValidateIban = "validateIban"

export interface ValidateIbanRequest {
  iban: string;

export interface ValidateIbanResponse {
  valid: boolean;
} CanonicalizeBaseUrlOp

export type CanonicalizeBaseUrlOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.CanonicalizeBaseUrl;
  request: CanonicalizeBaseUrlRequest;
  response: CanonicalizeBaseUrlResponse;
// CanonicalizeBaseUrl = "canonicalizeBaseUrl"

export interface CanonicalizeBaseUrlRequest {
  url: string;

export interface CanonicalizeBaseUrlResponse {
  url: string;
} GetQrCodesForPaytoOp

export type GetQrCodesForPaytoOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetQrCodesForPayto;
  request: GetQrCodesForPaytoRequest;
  response: GetQrCodesForPaytoResponse;
// GetQrCodesForPayto = "getQrCodesForPayto"

export interface GetQrCodesForPaytoRequest {
  paytoUri: string;

export interface GetQrCodesForPaytoResponse {
  codes: QrCodeSpec[];

 * Specification of a QR code that includes payment information.
export interface QrCodeSpec {
   * Type of the QR code.
   * Depending on the type, different visual styles
   * might be applied.
  type: string;
   * Content of the QR code that should be rendered.
  qrContent: string;
} ExportDbOp

 * Export the wallet database's contents to JSON.
export type ExportDbOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ExportDb;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: any;
// ExportDb = "exportDb" ImportDbOp

export type ImportDbOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ImportDb;
  request: ImportDbRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ImportDb = "importDb"

export interface ImportDbRequest {
  dump: any;
} ClearDbOp

 * Dangerously clear the whole wallet database.
export type ClearDbOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ClearDb;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ClearDb = "clearDb" RecycleOp

 * Export a backup, clear the database and re-import it.
export type RecycleOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.Recycle;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// Recycle = "recycle" ApplyDevExperimentOp

 * Apply a developer experiment to the current wallet state.
 * This allows UI developers / testers to play around without
 * an elaborate test environment.
export type ApplyDevExperimentOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ApplyDevExperiment;
  request: ApplyDevExperimentRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ApplyDevExperiment = "applyDevExperiment"

export interface ApplyDevExperimentRequest {
  devExperimentUri: string;
} RunIntegrationTestOp

 * Run a simple integration test on a test deployment
 * of the exchange and merchant.
export type RunIntegrationTestOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RunIntegrationTest;
  request: IntegrationTestArgs;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RunIntegrationTest = "runIntegrationTest" RunIntegrationTestV2Op

 * Run a simple integration test on a test deployment
 * of the exchange and merchant.
export type RunIntegrationTestV2Op = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.RunIntegrationTestV2;
  request: IntegrationTestArgs;
  response: EmptyObject;
// RunIntegrationTestV2 = "runIntegrationTestV2" TestCryptoOp

 * Test crypto worker.
export type TestCryptoOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestCrypto;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: any;
// TestCrypto = "testCrypto" WithdrawTestBalanceOp

 * Make withdrawal on a test deployment of the exchange
 * and merchant.
export type WithdrawTestBalanceOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.WithdrawTestBalance;
  request: WithdrawTestBalanceRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// WithdrawTestBalance = "withdrawTestBalance"

export interface WithdrawTestBalanceRequest {
  amount: AmountString;
   * Corebank API base URL.
  corebankApiBaseUrl: string;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  forcedDenomSel?: ForcedDenomSel;
} WithdrawTestkudosOp

 * Make a withdrawal of testkudos on
export type WithdrawTestkudosOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.WithdrawTestkudos;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// WithdrawTestkudos = "withdrawTestkudos" TestPayOp

 * Make a test payment using a test deployment of
 * the exchange and merchant.
export type TestPayOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestPay;
  request: TestPayArgs;
  response: TestPayResult;
// TestPay = "testPay"

export interface TestPayArgs {
  merchantBaseUrl: string;
  merchantAuthToken?: string;
  amount: AmountString;
  summary: string;
  forcedCoinSel?: ForcedCoinSel;

export interface TestPayResult {
   * Number of coins used for the payment.
  numCoins: number;
} GetPendingTasksOp

 * Get wallet-internal pending tasks.
 * @deprecated
export type GetPendingTasksOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetPendingOperations;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: any;
// GetPendingOperations = "getPendingOperations" GetActiveTasksOp

export type GetActiveTasksOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.GetActiveTasks;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: GetActiveTasksResponse;
// GetActiveTasks = "getActiveTasks"

export interface GetActiveTasksResponse {
  tasks: ActiveTask[];

export interface ActiveTask {
  taskId: string;
  transaction: TransactionIdStr | undefined;
  firstTry: AbsoluteTime | undefined;
  nextTry: AbsoluteTime | undefined;
  retryCounter: number | undefined;
  lastError: TalerErrorDetail | undefined;
} DumpCoinsOp

 * Dump all coins of the wallet in a simple JSON format.
export type DumpCoinsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.DumpCoins;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: CoinDumpJson;
// DumpCoins = "dumpCoins"

 * Easy to process format for the public data of coins
 * managed by the wallet.
export interface CoinDumpJson {
  coins: Array<{
     * The coin's denomination's public key.
    denomPub: DenominationPubKey;
     * Hash of denom_pub.
    denomPubHash: string;
     * Value of the denomination (without any fees).
    denomValue: string;
     * Public key of the coin.
    coinPub: string;
     * Base URL of the exchange for the coin.
    exchangeBaseUrl: string;
     * Public key of the parent coin.
     * Only present if this coin was obtained via refreshing.
    refreshParentCoinPub: string | undefined;
     * Public key of the reserve for this coin.
     * Only present if this coin was obtained via refreshing.
    withdrawalReservePub: string | undefined;
     * Status of the coin.
    coinStatus: CoinStatus;
     * Information about the age restriction
    ageCommitmentProof: AgeCommitmentProof | undefined;
    history: WalletCoinHistoryItem[];

export type DenominationPubKey = RsaDenominationPubKey | CsDenominationPubKey;

export interface RsaDenominationPubKey {
  readonly cipher: DenomKeyType.Rsa;
  readonly rsa_public_key: string;
  readonly age_mask: number;

export interface CsDenominationPubKey {
  readonly cipher: DenomKeyType.ClauseSchnorr;
  readonly age_mask: number;
  readonly cs_public_key: string;

 * Status of a coin.
export declare enum CoinStatus {
   * Withdrawn and never shown to anybody.
  Fresh = "fresh",
   * Coin was lost as the denomination is not usable anymore.
  DenomLoss = "denom-loss",
   * Fresh, but currently marked as "suspended", thus won't be used
   * for spending.  Used for testing.
  FreshSuspended = "fresh-suspended",
   * A coin that has been spent and refreshed.
  Dormant = "dormant",

export interface AgeCommitmentProof {
  commitment: AgeCommitment;
  proof: AgeProof;

export interface AgeCommitment {
  mask: number;
   * Public keys, one for each age group specified in the age mask.
  publicKeys: Edx25519PublicKeyEnc[];

export type Edx25519PublicKeyEnc = FlavorP<string, "Edx25519PublicKeyEnc", 32>;

export type FlavorP<T, FlavorT extends string, S extends number> = T & {
  _flavor?: `taler.${FlavorT}`;
  _size?: S;

export interface AgeProof {
   * Private keys.  Typically smaller than the number of public keys,
   * because we drop private keys from age groups that are restricted.
  privateKeys: Edx25519PrivateKeyEnc[];

export type Edx25519PrivateKeyEnc = FlavorP<

export type WalletCoinHistoryItem =
  | {
      type: "withdraw";
      transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  | {
      type: "spend";
      transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
      amount: AmountString;
  | {
      type: "refresh";
      transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
      amount: AmountString;
  | {
      type: "recoup";
      transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
      amount: AmountString;
  | {
      type: "refund";
      transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
      amount: AmountString;
    }; TestingSetTimetravelOp

 * Add an offset to the wallet's internal time.
export type TestingSetTimetravelOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingSetTimetravel;
  request: TestingSetTimetravelRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingSetTimetravel = "testingSetTimetravel"

export interface TestingSetTimetravelRequest {
  offsetMs: number;
} TestingListTasksForTransactionOp

 * Add an offset to the wallet's internal time.
export type TestingListTasksForTransactionOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingListTaskForTransaction;
  request: TestingListTasksForTransactionRequest;
  response: TestingListTasksForTransactionsResponse;
// TestingListTaskForTransaction = "testingListTasksForTransaction"

export interface TestingListTasksForTransactionRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;

export interface TestingListTasksForTransactionsResponse {
  taskIdList: string[];
} TestingWaitTransactionsFinalOp

 * Wait until all transactions are in a final state.
export type TestingWaitTransactionsFinalOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTransactionsFinal;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingWaitTransactionsFinal = "testingWaitTransactionsFinal" TestingWaitTasksDoneOp

 * Wait until all transactions are in a final state.
export type TestingWaitTasksDoneOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTasksDone;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingWaitTasksDone = "testingWaitTasksDone" TestingWaitRefreshesFinalOp

 * Wait until all refresh transactions are in a final state.
export type TestingWaitRefreshesFinalOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitRefreshesFinal;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingWaitRefreshesFinal = "testingWaitRefreshesFinal" TestingWaitTransactionStateOp

 * Wait until a transaction is in a particular state.
export type TestingWaitTransactionStateOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTransactionState;
  request: TestingWaitTransactionRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingWaitTransactionState = "testingWaitTransactionState"

export interface TestingWaitTransactionRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  txState: TransactionState;
} TestingPingOp

export type TestingPingOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingPing;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingPing = "testingPing" TestingGetReserveHistoryOp

export type TestingGetReserveHistoryOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingGetReserveHistory;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: any;
// TestingGetReserveHistory = "testingGetReserveHistory" TestingResetAllRetriesOp

 * Reset all task/transaction retries,
 * resulting in immediate re-try of all operations.
export type TestingResetAllRetriesOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingResetAllRetries;
  request: EmptyObject;
  response: EmptyObject;
// TestingResetAllRetries = "testingResetAllRetries" TestingGetDenomStatsOp

 * Get stats about an exchange denomination.
export type TestingGetDenomStatsOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.TestingGetDenomStats;
  request: TestingGetDenomStatsRequest;
  response: TestingGetDenomStatsResponse;
// TestingGetDenomStats = "testingGetDenomStats"

export interface TestingGetDenomStatsRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;

export interface TestingGetDenomStatsResponse {
  numKnown: number;
  numOffered: number;
  numLost: number;
} SetCoinSuspendedOp

 * Set a coin as (un-)suspended.
 * Suspended coins won't be used for payments.
export type SetCoinSuspendedOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.SetCoinSuspended;
  request: SetCoinSuspendedRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// SetCoinSuspended = "setCoinSuspended"

export interface SetCoinSuspendedRequest {
  coinPub: string;
  suspended: boolean;
} ForceRefreshOp

 * Force a refresh on coins where it would not
 * be necessary.
export type ForceRefreshOp = {
  op: WalletApiOperation.ForceRefresh;
  request: ForceRefreshRequest;
  response: EmptyObject;
// ForceRefresh = "forceRefresh"

export interface ForceRefreshRequest {
  refreshCoinSpecs: RefreshCoinSpec[];

export interface RefreshCoinSpec {
  coinPub: string;
  amount?: AmountString;

1.5.3. Common Declarations

export interface InitRequest {
  config?: PartialWalletRunConfig;

export interface PartialWalletRunConfig {
  builtin?: Partial<WalletRunConfig["builtin"]>;
  testing?: Partial<WalletRunConfig["testing"]>;
  features?: Partial<WalletRunConfig["features"]>;
  lazyTaskLoop?: Partial<WalletRunConfig["lazyTaskLoop"]>;

export interface WalletRunConfig {
   * Initialization values useful for a complete startup.
   * These are values may be overridden by different wallets
  builtin: {
    exchanges: BuiltinExchange[];
   * Unsafe options which it should only be used to create
   * testing environment.
  testing: {
     * Allow withdrawal of denominations even though they are about to expire.
    denomselAllowLate: boolean;
    devModeActive: boolean;
    insecureTrustExchange: boolean;
    preventThrottling: boolean;
    skipDefaults: boolean;
    emitObservabilityEvents?: boolean;
   * Configurations values that may be safe to show to the user
  features: {
    allowHttp: boolean;
   * Start processing tasks only when explicitly required, even after
   * init has been called.
   * Useful when the wallet is started to make single read-only request,
   * as otherwise wallet-core starts making network request and process
   * unrelated pending tasks.
  lazyTaskLoop: boolean;

export interface BuiltinExchange {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  currencyHint: string;

export interface InitResponse {
  versionInfo: WalletCoreVersion;

export interface WalletCoreVersion {
  implementationSemver: string;
  implementationGitHash: string;
   * Wallet-core protocol version supported by this implementation
   * of the API ("server" version).
  version: string;
  exchange: string;
  merchant: string;
  bankIntegrationApiRange: string;
  bankConversionApiRange: string;
  corebankApiRange: string;
   * @deprecated as bank was split into multiple APIs with separate versioning
  bank: string;
   * @deprecated
  hash: string | undefined;
   * @deprecated will be removed
  devMode: boolean;

// group: Initialization
type EmptyObject = Record<string, never>;

export type ScopeInfo = ScopeInfoGlobal | ScopeInfoExchange | ScopeInfoAuditor;

export type ScopeInfoGlobal = {
  type: ScopeType.Global;
  currency: string;

export type ScopeInfoExchange = {
  type: ScopeType.Exchange;
  currency: string;
  url: string;

export type ScopeInfoAuditor = {
  type: ScopeType.Auditor;
  currency: string;
  url: string;

export type AmountString =
  | (string & {
      [__amount_str]: true;
  | LitAmountString;

 * How the amount should be interpreted in a transaction
 * Effective = how the balance is change
 * Raw = effective amount without fee
 * Depending on the transaction, raw can be higher than effective
export declare enum TransactionAmountMode {
  Effective = "effective",
  Raw = "raw",

export interface ConvertAmountRequest {
  amount: AmountString;
  type: TransactionAmountMode;
  depositPaytoUri: PaytoString;

export type PaytoString = string & {
  [__payto_str]: true;

export interface AmountResponse {
  effectiveAmount: AmountString;
  rawAmount: AmountString;

export interface GetAmountRequest {
  currency: string;

export interface TransactionsResponse {
  transactions: Transaction[];

export type Transaction =
  | TransactionWithdrawal
  | TransactionPayment
  | TransactionRefund
  | TransactionRefresh
  | TransactionDeposit
  | TransactionPeerPullCredit
  | TransactionPeerPullDebit
  | TransactionPeerPushCredit
  | TransactionPeerPushDebit
  | TransactionInternalWithdrawal
  | TransactionRecoup
  | TransactionDenomLoss;

 * A withdrawal transaction (either bank-integrated or manual).
export interface TransactionWithdrawal extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.Withdrawal;
   * Exchange of the withdrawal.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string | undefined;
   * Amount that got subtracted from the reserve balance.
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that actually was (or will be) added to the wallet's balance.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  withdrawalDetails: WithdrawalDetails;

export interface TransactionCommon {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  type: TransactionType;
  timestamp: TalerPreciseTimestamp;
   * Transaction state, as per DD37.
  txState: TransactionState;
   * Possible transitions based on the current state.
  txActions: TransactionAction[];
   * Raw amount of the transaction (exclusive of fees or other extra costs).
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount added or removed from the wallet's balance (including all fees and other costs).
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  error?: TalerErrorDetail;
   * If the transaction minor state is in KycRequired this field is going to
   * have the location where the user need to go to complete KYC information.
  kycUrl?: string;

export type TransactionIdStr = `txn:${string}:${string}` & {
  [__txId]: true;

export declare enum TransactionType {
  Withdrawal = "withdrawal",
  InternalWithdrawal = "internal-withdrawal",
  Payment = "payment",
  Refund = "refund",
  Refresh = "refresh",
  Deposit = "deposit",
  PeerPushDebit = "peer-push-debit",
  PeerPushCredit = "peer-push-credit",
  PeerPullDebit = "peer-pull-debit",
  PeerPullCredit = "peer-pull-credit",
  Recoup = "recoup",
  DenomLoss = "denom-loss",

 * Precise timestamp, typically used in the wallet-core
 * API but not in other Taler APIs so far.
export interface TalerPreciseTimestamp {
   * Seconds (as integer) since epoch.
  readonly t_s: number | "never";
   * Optional microsecond offset (non-negative integer).
  readonly off_us?: number;
  readonly _flavor?: typeof flavor_TalerPreciseTimestamp;

export interface TalerProtocolTimestamp {
   * Seconds (as integer) since epoch.
  readonly t_s: number | "never";
  readonly _flavor?: typeof flavor_TalerProtocolTimestamp;

export interface TransactionState {
  major: TransactionMajorState;
  minor?: TransactionMinorState;

export declare enum TransactionMajorState {
  None = "none",
  Pending = "pending",
  Done = "done",
  Aborting = "aborting",
  Aborted = "aborted",
  Dialog = "dialog",
  Finalizing = "finalizing",
  Suspended = "suspended",
  SuspendedFinalizing = "suspended-finalizing",
  SuspendedAborting = "suspended-aborting",
  Failed = "failed",
  Expired = "expired",
  Deleted = "deleted",

export declare enum TransactionMinorState {
  Unknown = "unknown",
  Deposit = "deposit",
  KycRequired = "kyc",
  AmlRequired = "aml",
  MergeKycRequired = "merge-kyc",
  Track = "track",
  SubmitPayment = "submit-payment",
  RebindSession = "rebind-session",
  Refresh = "refresh",
  Pickup = "pickup",
  AutoRefund = "auto-refund",
  User = "user",
  Bank = "bank",
  Exchange = "exchange",
  ClaimProposal = "claim-proposal",
  CheckRefund = "check-refund",
  CreatePurse = "create-purse",
  DeletePurse = "delete-purse",
  RefreshExpired = "refresh-expired",
  Ready = "ready",
  Merge = "merge",
  Repurchase = "repurchase",
  BankRegisterReserve = "bank-register-reserve",
  BankConfirmTransfer = "bank-confirm-transfer",
  WithdrawCoins = "withdraw-coins",
  ExchangeWaitReserve = "exchange-wait-reserve",
  AbortingBank = "aborting-bank",
  Aborting = "aborting",
  Refused = "refused",
  Withdraw = "withdraw",
  MerchantOrderProposed = "merchant-order-proposed",
  Proposed = "proposed",
  RefundAvailable = "refund-available",
  AcceptRefund = "accept-refund",
  PaidByOther = "paid-by-other",
  CompletedByOtherWallet = "completed-by-other-wallet",

export declare enum TransactionAction {
  Delete = "delete",
  Suspend = "suspend",
  Resume = "resume",
  Abort = "abort",
  Fail = "fail",
  Retry = "retry",

export interface TalerErrorDetail {
  code: TalerErrorCode;
  when?: AbsoluteTime;
  hint?: string;
  [x: string]: unknown;

export interface AbsoluteTime {
   * Timestamp in milliseconds.
  readonly t_ms: number | "never";
  readonly _flavor?: typeof flavor_AbsoluteTime;
  [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true;

export interface Duration {
   * Duration in milliseconds.
  readonly d_ms: number | "forever";

export interface TalerProtocolDuration {
  readonly d_us: number | "forever";

export type WithdrawalDetails =
  | WithdrawalDetailsForManualTransfer
  | WithdrawalDetailsForTalerBankIntegrationApi;

interface WithdrawalDetailsForManualTransfer {
  type: WithdrawalType.ManualTransfer;
   * Payto URIs that the exchange supports.
   * Already contains the amount and message.
   * @deprecated in favor of exchangeCreditAccounts
  exchangePaytoUris: string[];
  exchangeCreditAccountDetails?: WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails[];
  reservePub: string;
   * Is the reserve ready for withdrawal?
  reserveIsReady: boolean;

export interface WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails {
   * Payto URI to credit the exchange.
   * Depending on whether the (manual!) withdrawal is accepted or just
   * being checked, this already includes the subject with the
   * reserve public key.
  paytoUri: string;
   * Status that indicates whether the account can be used
   * by the user to send funds for a withdrawal.
   * ok: account should be shown to the user
   * error: account should not be shown to the user, UIs might render the error (in conversionError),
   *   especially in dev mode.
  status: "ok" | "error";
   * Transfer amount. Might be in a different currency than the requested
   * amount for withdrawal.
   * Absent if this is a conversion account and the conversion failed.
  transferAmount?: AmountString;
   * Currency specification for the external currency.
   * Only included if this account requires a currency conversion.
  currencySpecification?: CurrencySpecification;
   * Further restrictions for sending money to the
   * exchange.
  creditRestrictions?: AccountRestriction[];
   * Label given to the account or the account's bank by the exchange.
  bankLabel?: string;
  priority?: number;
   * Error that happened when attempting to request the conversion rate.
  conversionError?: TalerErrorDetail;

export interface CurrencySpecification {
  name: string;
  num_fractional_input_digits: Integer;
  num_fractional_normal_digits: Integer;
  num_fractional_trailing_zero_digits: Integer;
  alt_unit_names: {
    [log10: string]: string;

export type AccountRestriction =
  | RegexAccountRestriction
  | DenyAllAccountRestriction;

export interface RegexAccountRestriction {
  type: "regex";
  payto_regex: string;
  human_hint: string;
  human_hint_i18n?: InternationalizedString;

export interface InternationalizedString {
  [lang_tag: string]: string;

export interface DenyAllAccountRestriction {
  type: "deny";

interface WithdrawalDetailsForTalerBankIntegrationApi {
  type: WithdrawalType.TalerBankIntegrationApi;
   * Set to true if the bank has confirmed the withdrawal, false if not.
   * An unconfirmed withdrawal usually requires user-input and should be highlighted in the UI.
   * See also bankConfirmationUrl below.
  confirmed: boolean;
   * If the withdrawal is unconfirmed, this can include a URL for user
   * initiated confirmation.
  bankConfirmationUrl?: string;
  reservePub: string;
   * Is the reserve ready for withdrawal?
  reserveIsReady: boolean;
  exchangeCreditAccountDetails?: WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails[];

export interface TransactionPayment extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.Payment;
   * Additional information about the payment.
  info: OrderShortInfo;
   * Wallet-internal end-to-end identifier for the payment.
  proposalId: string;
   * Amount that must be paid for the contract
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that was paid, including deposit, wire and refresh fees.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
   * Amount that has been refunded by the merchant
  totalRefundRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount will be added to the wallet's balance after fees and refreshing
  totalRefundEffective: AmountString;
   * Amount pending to be picked up
  refundPending: AmountString | undefined;
   * Reference to applied refunds
  refunds: RefundInfoShort[];
   * Is the wallet currently checking for a refund?
  refundQueryActive: boolean;
   * Does this purchase has an pos validation
  posConfirmation: string | undefined;

export interface OrderShortInfo {
   * Order ID, uniquely identifies the order within a merchant instance
  orderId: string;
   * Hash of the contract terms.
  contractTermsHash: string;
   * More information about the merchant
  merchant: MerchantInfo;
   * Summary of the order, given by the merchant
  summary: string;
   * Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized summaries
  summary_i18n?: InternationalizedString;
   * URL of the fulfillment, given by the merchant
  fulfillmentUrl?: string;
   * Plain text message that should be shown to the user
   * when the payment is complete.
  fulfillmentMessage?: string;
   * Translations of fulfillmentMessage.
  fulfillmentMessage_i18n?: InternationalizedString;

export interface MerchantInfo {
  name: string;
  email?: string;
  website?: string;
  logo?: ImageDataUrl;
  address?: Location;
  jurisdiction?: Location;

export interface Location {
  country?: string;
  country_subdivision?: string;
  district?: string;
  town?: string;
  town_location?: string;
  post_code?: string;
  street?: string;
  building_name?: string;
  building_number?: string;
  address_lines?: string[];

export interface RefundInfoShort {
  transactionId: string;
  timestamp: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  amountRaw: AmountString;

export interface TransactionRefund extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.Refund;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  refundedTransactionId: string;
  paymentInfo: RefundPaymentInfo | undefined;

 * Summary information about the payment that we got a refund for.
export interface RefundPaymentInfo {
  summary: string;
  summary_i18n?: InternationalizedString;
   * More information about the merchant
  merchant: MerchantInfo;

 * A transaction shown for refreshes.
 * Only shown for (1) refreshes not associated with other transactions
 * and (2) refreshes in an error state.
export interface TransactionRefresh extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.Refresh;
  refreshReason: RefreshReason;
   * Transaction ID that caused this refresh.
  originatingTransactionId?: string;
   * Always zero for refreshes
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Fees, i.e. the effective, negative effect of the refresh
   * on the balance.
   * Only applicable for stand-alone refreshes, and zero for
   * other refreshes where the transaction itself accounts for the
   * refresh fee.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  refreshInputAmount: AmountString;
  refreshOutputAmount: AmountString;

 * Reasons for why a coin is being refreshed.
export declare enum RefreshReason {
  Manual = "manual",
  PayMerchant = "pay-merchant",
  PayDeposit = "pay-deposit",
  PayPeerPush = "pay-peer-push",
  PayPeerPull = "pay-peer-pull",
  Refund = "refund",
  AbortPay = "abort-pay",
  AbortDeposit = "abort-deposit",
  AbortPeerPushDebit = "abort-peer-push-debit",
  AbortPeerPullDebit = "abort-peer-pull-debit",
  Recoup = "recoup",
  BackupRestored = "backup-restored",
  Scheduled = "scheduled",

 * Deposit transaction, which effectively sends
 * money from this wallet somewhere else.
export interface TransactionDeposit extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.Deposit;
  depositGroupId: string;
   * Target for the deposit.
  targetPaytoUri: string;
   * Raw amount that is being deposited
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Effective amount that is being deposited
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  wireTransferDeadline: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  wireTransferProgress: number;
   * Did all the deposit requests succeed?
  deposited: boolean;
  trackingState: Array<DepositTransactionTrackingState>;

export interface DepositTransactionTrackingState {
  wireTransferId: string;
  timestampExecuted: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  wireFee: AmountString;

 * Credit because we were paid for a P2P invoice we created.
export interface TransactionPeerPullCredit extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.PeerPullCredit;
  info: PeerInfoShort;
   * Exchange used.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * Amount that got subtracted from the reserve balance.
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that actually was (or will be) added to the wallet's balance.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
   * URI to send to the other party.
   * Only available in the right state.
  talerUri: string | undefined;

export interface PeerInfoShort {
  expiration: TalerProtocolTimestamp | undefined;
  summary: string | undefined;

 * Debit because we paid someone's invoice.
export interface TransactionPeerPullDebit extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.PeerPullDebit;
  info: PeerInfoShort;
   * Exchange used.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;

 * We received money via a P2P payment.
export interface TransactionPeerPushCredit extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.PeerPushCredit;
  info: PeerInfoShort;
   * Exchange used.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * Amount that got subtracted from the reserve balance.
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that actually was (or will be) added to the wallet's balance.
  amountEffective: AmountString;

 * We sent money via a P2P payment.
export interface TransactionPeerPushDebit extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.PeerPushDebit;
  info: PeerInfoShort;
   * Exchange used.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * Amount that got subtracted from the reserve balance.
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that actually was (or will be) added to the wallet's balance.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
   * URI to accept the payment.
   * Only present if the transaction is in a state where the other party can
   * accept the payment.
  talerUri?: string;

 * Internal withdrawal operation, only reported on request.
 * Some transactions (peer-*-credit) internally do a withdrawal,
 * but only the peer-*-credit transaction is reported.
 * The internal withdrawal transaction allows to access the details of
 * the underlying withdrawal for testing/debugging.
 * It is usually not reported, so that amounts of transactions properly
 * add up, since the amountEffecive of the withdrawal is already reported
 * in the peer-*-credit transaction.
export interface TransactionInternalWithdrawal extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.InternalWithdrawal;
   * Exchange of the withdrawal.
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * Amount that got subtracted from the reserve balance.
  amountRaw: AmountString;
   * Amount that actually was (or will be) added to the wallet's balance.
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  withdrawalDetails: WithdrawalDetails;

 * The exchange revoked a key and the wallet recoups funds.
export interface TransactionRecoup extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.Recoup;

 * A transaction to indicate financial loss due to denominations
 * that became unusable for deposits.
export interface TransactionDenomLoss extends TransactionCommon {
  type: TransactionType.DenomLoss;
  lossEventType: DenomLossEventType;
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;

export declare enum DenomLossEventType {
  DenomExpired = "denom-expired",
  DenomVanished = "denom-vanished",
  DenomUnoffered = "denom-unoffered",

export interface AbortTransactionRequest {
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;

export interface WithdrawUriInfoResponse {
  operationId: string;
  status: WithdrawalOperationStatus;
  confirmTransferUrl?: string;
  currency: string;
  amount: AmountString | undefined;
  editableAmount: boolean;
  maxAmount: AmountString | undefined;
  wireFee: AmountString | undefined;
  defaultExchangeBaseUrl?: string;
  editableExchange: boolean;
  possibleExchanges: ExchangeListItem[];

export type WithdrawalOperationStatus =
  | "pending"
  | "selected"
  | "aborted"
  | "confirmed";

 * Info about an exchange entry in the wallet.
export interface ExchangeListItem {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  masterPub: string | undefined;
  currency: string;
  paytoUris: string[];
  tosStatus: ExchangeTosStatus;
  exchangeEntryStatus: ExchangeEntryStatus;
  exchangeUpdateStatus: ExchangeUpdateStatus;
  ageRestrictionOptions: number[];
   * P2P payments are disabled with this exchange
   * (e.g. because no global fees are configured).
  peerPaymentsDisabled: boolean;
   * Set to true if this exchange doesn't charge any fees.
  noFees: boolean;
  scopeInfo: ScopeInfo;
  lastUpdateTimestamp: TalerPreciseTimestamp | undefined;
   * Information about the last error that occurred when trying
   * to update the exchange info.
  lastUpdateErrorInfo?: OperationErrorInfo;
  unavailableReason?: TalerErrorDetail;

export declare enum ExchangeTosStatus {
  Pending = "pending",
  Proposed = "proposed",
  Accepted = "accepted",
  MissingTos = "missing-tos",

export declare enum ExchangeEntryStatus {
  Preset = "preset",
  Ephemeral = "ephemeral",
  Used = "used",

export declare enum ExchangeUpdateStatus {
  Initial = "initial",
  InitialUpdate = "initial-update",
  Suspended = "suspended",
  UnavailableUpdate = "unavailable-update",
  Ready = "ready",
  ReadyUpdate = "ready-update",

export interface OperationErrorInfo {
  error: TalerErrorDetail;

export interface ForcedDenomSel {
  denoms: {
    value: AmountString;
    count: number;

 * Result of a prepare pay operation.
export type PreparePayResult =
  | PreparePayResultInsufficientBalance
  | PreparePayResultAlreadyConfirmed
  | PreparePayResultPaymentPossible;

export interface PreparePayResultInsufficientBalance {
  status: PreparePayResultType.InsufficientBalance;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
   * @deprecated use transactionId
  proposalId: string;
  contractTerms: MerchantContractTerms;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  talerUri: string;
  balanceDetails: PaymentInsufficientBalanceDetails;

 * Contract terms from a merchant.
 * FIXME: Add type field!
export interface MerchantContractTerms {
  h_wire: string;
  auto_refund?: TalerProtocolDuration;
  wire_method: string;
  summary: string;
  summary_i18n?: InternationalizedString;
  order_id: string;
  amount: string;
  nonce: string;
  pay_deadline: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  merchant: MerchantInfo;
  merchant_pub: string;
  delivery_date?: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  delivery_location?: Location;
  exchanges: ExchangeHandle[];
  products?: Product[];
  refund_deadline: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  wire_transfer_deadline: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  timestamp: TalerProtocolTimestamp;
  merchant_base_url: string;
  fulfillment_url?: string;
  public_reorder_url?: string;
  fulfillment_message?: string;
  fulfillment_message_i18n?: InternationalizedString;
  max_fee: string;
  extra?: any;
  minimum_age?: Integer;

 * Information about an exchange as stored inside a
 * merchant's contract terms.
export interface ExchangeHandle {
  url: string;
  master_pub: EddsaPublicKeyString;

export interface Product {
  product_id?: string;
  description: string;
  description_i18n?: InternationalizedString;
  quantity?: Integer;
  unit?: string;
  price?: AmountString;
  image?: ImageDataUrl;
  taxes?: Tax[];
  delivery_date?: TalerProtocolTimestamp;

export interface Tax {
  name: string;
  tax: AmountString;

 * Detailed reason for why the wallet's balance is insufficient.
export interface PaymentInsufficientBalanceDetails {
   * Amount requested by the merchant.
  amountRequested: AmountString;
   * Balance of type "available" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceAvailable: AmountString;
   * Balance of type "material" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceMaterial: AmountString;
   * Balance of type "age-acceptable" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceAgeAcceptable: AmountString;
   * Balance of type "merchant-acceptable" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceReceiverAcceptable: AmountString;
   * Balance of type "merchant-depositable" (see balance.ts for definition).
  balanceReceiverDepositable: AmountString;
  balanceExchangeDepositable: AmountString;
   * Maximum effective amount that the wallet can spend,
   * when all fees are paid by the wallet.
  maxEffectiveSpendAmount: AmountString;
  perExchange: {
    [url: string]: {
      balanceAvailable: AmountString;
      balanceMaterial: AmountString;
      balanceExchangeDepositable: AmountString;
      balanceAgeAcceptable: AmountString;
      balanceReceiverAcceptable: AmountString;
      balanceReceiverDepositable: AmountString;
      maxEffectiveSpendAmount: AmountString;
       * Exchange doesn't have global fees configured for the relevant year,
       * p2p payments aren't possible.
      missingGlobalFees: boolean;

export interface PreparePayResultAlreadyConfirmed {
  status: PreparePayResultType.AlreadyConfirmed;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
  contractTerms: MerchantContractTerms;
  paid: boolean;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString | undefined;
  contractTermsHash: string;
   * @deprecated use transactionId
  proposalId: string;
  talerUri: string;

 * Payment is possible.
export interface PreparePayResultPaymentPossible {
  status: PreparePayResultType.PaymentPossible;
  transactionId: TransactionIdStr;
   * @deprecated use transactionId instead
  proposalId: string;
  contractTerms: MerchantContractTerms;
  contractTermsHash: string;
  amountRaw: AmountString;
  amountEffective: AmountString;
  talerUri: string;

 * Forced coin selection for deposits/payments.
export interface ForcedCoinSel {
  coins: {
    value: AmountString;
    contribution: AmountString;

export interface AddExchangeRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
   * @deprecated use a separate API call to start a forced exchange update instead
  forceUpdate?: boolean;

export interface AcceptExchangeTosRequest {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;

export interface BackupRecovery {
  walletRootPriv: string;
  providers: {
    name: string;
    url: string;

 * Contract terms between two wallets (as opposed to a merchant and wallet).
export interface PeerContractTerms {
  amount: AmountString;
  summary: string;
  purse_expiration: TalerProtocolTimestamp;

export interface IntegrationTestArgs {
  exchangeBaseUrl: string;
  corebankApiBaseUrl: string;
  merchantBaseUrl: string;
  merchantAuthToken?: string;
  amountToWithdraw: AmountString;
  amountToSpend: AmountString;