12.29. DD 29: Mobile P2P UI

12.29.1. Summary

Design the ui and interaction of p2p payments using mobile

12.29.2. Motivation

The wallet user should be able to easily send and receive money to and from other wallet.

12.29.3. Requirements

  • It should work even if the user does not have other communication channel

  • Use the swipe up (to send) and swipe down (to request) gesture as other apps do

  • It should be able to request payment before any withdraw (currency still unknown)

  • It should support multi-device

  • The user may opt-in to be findable through a registry service

12.29.4. Proposed Solution


12.29.5. Alternatives

12.29.6. Drawbacks

12.29.7. Discussion / Q&A

(This should be filled in with results from discussions on mailing lists / personal communication.)