13.16. DD 16: Backoffice Order Management

13.16.1. Summary

This document describe the complete list features for orders management and how will be shown.

13.16.2. Motivation

User will use the backoffice to manage their orders and verify the status of the current and past orders.

13.16.3. Requirements

Access all information provided from the Merchant Backend API in a understandable and accessible way

User should use the backoffice to manage orders by:

  • searching for orders

  • showing details about the order and the activity history

  • refund order that are refundable

  • create orders ( if admin )

13.16.4. Proposed Solution Listing orders


4 tabs will be show for an easy access to common filter, click on any of this and search will reset all filter except date

  • paid (default)

  • refunded

  • not wired

  • all (empty filter box)

Columns for the order listings will be:

  • date in ‘dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss’ format

  • amount: value and currency

  • summary

Actions per row:

  • refund: pop up with amount and reason (select box and text)

  • copy payment url (if not status==unpaid)

  • view details

An export button will allow the user to download the result page in CSV format.

An infinity scroll is propose instead of a pagination, reasons:

  • users usually does not jump from one page to another using random access

  • if the user want to search, is going to limit the result using filters

  • no need to go back after loading more result

  • it could be triggered by scrolling, with buttons (or both) Create orders

this form is divided into 4 sections

  • product: where the merchant can add inventory product and non-inventory product.

  • price: where the merchant can override the total price (if product was added) or set the order price and summary.

  • payment: where some default of the payment processing can be changed

  • extra: where the merchant can add extra information in JSON format Create order: Product section

This section has two parts:

The first part will add/remove product from the current stock.

  • name: search box to select product by description field. if not found it will be a ‘create new’ option leading to the create product without losing context

  • quantity: mandatory

The second part will add non inventory product. To add a product a create product form will be shown. The product in the list can be edited or deleted from the list.

In both cases, the total unit and price of the products will be calculated and shown in the bottom of the section. If the merchant collapse one of the product list a line with a resume of the total price and units will be shown.

../_images/backoffice-order-create.product-section.svg Create order: Price section

This section has 2 scenarios.

The fist one is without products being added: the order price and summary inputs will be shown.

If there is at least one product added, the total products price as the sum of all products prices will be shown. The order price will default to total products price. The products taxes and profit will be shown since order price cannot be less that product taxes.

../_images/backoffice-order-create.price-section.svg Create order: Payment section

This section show optional values that can be overwritten by the merchant

  • refund deadline: calendar type of input. default from instance

  • pay deadline: calendar type of input. default from instance

  • auto refund deadline: calendar type of input. default empty, optional.

  • delivery date: calendar type of input. default empty, optional.

  • delivery location: location section similar to instance jurisdiction or instance address. optional

  • max fee: default value from the instance

  • max wire fee: default value from the instance

  • wire_fee_amortization: default value from the instance

../_images/backoffice-order-create.payment-section.svg Create order: all section expanded

An example of how all section in a page will be shown.

../_images/backoffice-order-create.all-expanded.svg Creation order success

A success message showing the amount, summary and the order id. Additionally the taler_pay_uri can be shown to be copied to send to the customer.

action buttons that allow the following:

  • create another payment: go to the create payment page again

  • view details: show details of the payment (see page) Order details

Status text should be set with a background color for easier recognition when indicated:

  • paid: green

  • claimed: light-green

  • unpaid: grey

  • refunded: red Timeline of events

Event of status changed over time describe vertically. Sorted from newest to oldest. On line per status updated, with datetime and a short description.

Info taken from:

  • refund_details: a row showing date an amount

  • wire_details: a row date and id

    About wire details

    Normally one wire transfer will involve more than one payment from the same exchange. And an order can have multiple wire transfers if the payment involved more than one exchange. Error status

This section is not going to be shown if there is no error

  • Wire Error: info taking from wire_reports in contractTerm. for every element in the list show hint and error code

  • Exchange Error: connection with exchange failed, info taking from exchange_ec and exchange_hc Payment details

If the order was claimed

  • summary

  • amount (contract.amount)

  • fee (contract.amount - deposit_total)

  • refund_amount (if status is refunded)

  • net (deposit_total - refund_amount)

  • current status Contract Terms

collapsed as default. show disabled if unpaid

  • summary

  • amount

  • fulfillment_url, if present

  • max fee

  • max fire fee

  • wire_fee_amortization

  • list of (exchange | auditor) name and url

  • products table: list of products, one row per product

    • description

    • quantity

    • total price

    • total tax

    • sum at the bottom

  • horizontal timeline of important dates in the contract

    • start at contract creation time

    • show current date

    • pay_deadline

    • wire_transfer_deadline

    • refund_deadline

    • delivery_date (immediately if null)

    • auto_refund refund popup

If there is any refund:

  • show total refund from refund_amount

  • a (down arrow) to show more information

  • if expanded show table with date, amount and reason

Warn if there is a pending refund when refund_pending is true

Ask for:

  • amount: default 0, show max amount refundable (order amount - already refunded)

  • reason: concatenation of the next values

    • drop down options: duplicated, requested by customer, other

    • after selecting, free text for additional information

../_images/backoffice-order-refund.svg ../_images/backoffice-order-refund.already.svg Example of details by status

../_images/backoffice-order-details.paid.svg ../_images/backoffice-order-details.unpaid.svg ../_images/backoffice-order-details.claimed.svg ../_images/backoffice-order-details.refunded.svg

13.16.5. Alternatives pagination

order list was originally thought with pagination footer


ascending boolean flag cloud be eliminated using the load before and load after and a design without random access to pages was proposed

13.16.6. Discussion / Q&A

  • Shall we show merchant information from the ContractTerm in the order detail?

  • Do we have the date and time of when the order goes from these states?

    • null => unpaid (using contractTerm.timestamp from now but may not be correct)

    • unpaid => claimed (maybe contractTerm.timestamp)

    • claimed => paid (maybe last wire_details.execution_time with confirmed = true )

  • Refund button is being show if “refund_amount < contract_terms.amount” and “time < refund deadline”. Is there any other case? Is this taking into account auto_refund?

  • Field left out in the order creation:

    • contractTerm.summary_i18n: it makes the UI complex

    • contractTerm.order_id: should be created by the backend

    • contractTerm.timestamp: defined by backend

    • contractTerm.merchant_pub: filled by the backend

    • contractTerm.merchant_base_url: filled by the backend

    • contractTerm.h_wire: defined by the backend

    • contractTerm.nonce: not used