16.16. taler-aggregator-benchmark(1)

16.16.1. Name

taler-aggregator-benchmark - setup database to measure aggregator performance

16.16.2. Synopsis

taler-aggregator-benchmark [-c CONFIG_FILENAME | –config=CONFIG_FILENAME] [-d DN | –deposits=DN] [-h | –help] [-L LOGLEVEL | –log-level=LOGLEVEL] [-l FILENAME | –logfile=FILENAME] [-m DM | –merchants=DM] [-r RATE | –refunds=RATE] [-v | –version]

16.16.3. Description

taler-aggregator-benchmark is a command-line tool to fill an exchange database with records suitable for benchmarking the taler-exchange-aggregator. The taler-aggregator-benchmark tool does not run the actual workload for the benchmark (which usually consists of starting multiple taler-exchange-aggregator processes) and instead only prepares the database with synthetic work.


(Mandatory) Use CONFIG_FILENAME as the name for the configuration file.

-d DN | –deposits=DN

How many deposits should be instantiated per merchant. Defaults to 1.

-h | –help

Prints a compiled-in help text.


Specifies the log level to use. Accepted values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR.


Send logging output to FILENAME.

-m DM | –merchants=DM

How many different merchants should we create. Defaults to 1.

-r RATE | –refunds=RATE

Probability of a deposit having a refund (as an integer between 0-100).

-v | –version

Print version information.

16.16.4. See Also

taler-exchange-dbinit(1), taler-merchant-benchmark(1), taler-exchange-aggregator(1), taler-unified-setup(1), taler-exchange.conf(5)

16.16.5. Bugs

Report bugs by using https://bugs.taler.net/ or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org>.