16.7. libeufin-bank(1)

16.7.1. Name

libeufin-bank - LibEuFin Bank

16.7.2. Synopsis

libeufin-bank [-h | –help] [–version] COMMAND [ARGS…]

Subcommands: dbinit, passwd, serve, create-account, edit-account, gc, bench-pwh, config

16.7.3. Description

libeufin-bank is a program that implements a simple core banking system with account and REST APIs, including REST APIs for a Web interface and REST APIs to interact with GNU Taler components.

Its options are as follows:

-h | –help

Print short help on options.


Print version information.

The interaction model is as follows:

  • Configure the database with commands dbinit.

  • Set admin account password with commands passwd.

  • Start the HTTP server with command serve. Let this run in a shell, writing logs to stderr.

The following sections describe each command in detail. dbinit

This command defines the database schema for LibEuFin Bank. It is mandatory to run this command before invoking the passwd or serve commands.

Its options are as follows:

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-r | –reset

Reset database (DANGEROUS: All existing data is lost)

-h | –help

Print short help on options. passwd

This command change any account password.

It takes two arguments, the account username and the account new password.

Its options are as follows:

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. serve

This command starts the HTTP server.

Its options are as follows:

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. create-account

This command create a bank account and prints its payto://-URI to STDOUT.

Its options are as follows:

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-u | –username USERNAME

Account unique username.

-p | –password PASSWORD

Account password used for authentication.

–name NAME

Legal name of the account owner.


Make this account visible to anyone.


Make this account a taler exchange.

–email EMAIL

E-Mail address used for TAN transmission.


Phone number used for TAN transmission.

–cashout_payto_uri PAYTO_URI

Payto URI of a fiant account who receive cashout amount.

–payto_uri PAYTO_URI

Payto URI of this account.

–debit_threshold AMOUNT

Max debit allowed for this account.

–min_cashout AMOUNT

Custom minimum cashout amount for this account.

–tan_channel TAN_CHANNEL

Enables 2FA and set the TAN channel used for challenges.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. edit-account

This command edit an existing account.

It takes one argument, the account username.

Its options are as follows:

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

–name NAME

Legal name of the account owner.

–public true|false

Make this account visible to anyone.

–email EMAIL

E-Mail address used for TAN transmission.


Phone number used for TAN transmission.

–cashout_payto_uri PAYTO_URI

Payto URI of this account.

–debit_threshold AMOUNT

Max debit allowed for this account.

–min_cashout AMOUNT

Custom minimum cashout amount for this account.

–tan_channel TAN_CHANNEL

Enables 2FA and set the TAN channel used for challenges.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. gc

This command performs garbage collection: abort expired operations and clean expired data.

Its options are as follows:

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. config

This command inspect or change the configuration.

-h | –help

Print short help on options.

Subcommands: get, dump, pathsub config get

This command lookup config value.

It takes two arguments, the section name and the option name

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-f | –filename

Interpret value as path with dollar-expansion.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. config dump

This command dump the configuration.

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-h | –help

Print short help on options. config pathsub

This command substitute variables in a path.

It takes one argument, a path expression.

-c | –config config_file

Specifies the configuration file.

-L | –log LOGLEVEL

Configure logging to use LOGLEVEL.

-h | –help

Print short help on options.

16.7.4. SEE ALSO


16.7.5. Bugs

Report bugs by using https://bugs.taler.net or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org>.