16.35. taler-exchange-kyc-trigger(1)

16.35.1. Name

taler-exchange-kyc-trigger - trigger AML/KYC processes at the exchange for testing

16.35.2. Synopsis

taler-exchange-kyc-trigger [-b**_*AMOUNT*] [-c** FILENAME] [-h]

16.35.3. Description

taler-exchange-kyc-trigger is a simple tool to simulate a wallet that exceeds a balance threshold and thus triggers some AML/KYC logic. It is useful to test AML/KYC procedures. Such procedures must be configured to trigger on wallet balance thresholds. Other triggers are currently not supported.

The tool gets the exchange base URL and the currency from the configuration file. Additionally, you may specify a file name under “RESERVE_PRIV_FILE” in the “[exchange-testing]” section. In this case, the tool will try to read the reserve private key from that file, or if it does not exist, create one there.

Its options are as follows:


Specifies the balance threshold that the simulated wallet has crossed.


Write the database configuration to FILENAME. The tool will append the required CONFIG option for the Postgresql access to the respective file.


Print short help on options.

16.35.4. Output

The output will be details from the exchange’s response.

16.35.5. See Also

taler-exchange-httpd(1), taler.conf(5).

16.35.6. Bugs

Report bugs by using https://bugs.taler.net or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org>.