16.34. taler-exchange-httpd(1)

16.34.1. Name

taler-exchange-httpd - run Taler exchange (with RESTful API)

16.34.2. Synopsis

taler-exchange-httpd [-a | –allow-timetravel] [-C | –connection-close] [-c FILENAME | –config=FILENAME] [-f FILENAME | –file-input=FILENAME] [-h | –help] [-L LOGLEVEL | –loglevel=LOGLEVEL] [-l FILENAME | –logfile=FILENAME] [-n N | –num-threads=N] [-r**|–allow-reuse-address**] [-T USEC | –timetravel=USEC] [-t SECONDS | –timeout=SECONDS] [-v | –version]

16.34.3. Description

taler-exchange-httpd is a command-line tool to run the Taler exchange (HTTP server). The required configuration, keys and database must exist before running this command.

Its options are as follows:

-a | –allow-timetravel

Allow clients to request /keys for arbitrary timestamps. This should only be enabled for testing and development, as clients could abuse this in denial of service attacks, as it makes the /keys response generation much more expensive.

-C | –connection-close

Force each HTTP connection to be closed after each request (useful in combination with -f to avoid having to wait for netcat (nc) to time out).


Use the configuration and other resources for the merchant to operate from FILENAME.

-f FILENAME | –file-input=FILENAME

This option is only available if the exchange was compiled with the configure option –enable-developer-mode. It is used for generating test cases against the exchange using AFL. When this option is present, the HTTP server will

  1. terminate after the first client’s HTTP connection is completed, and

  2. automatically start such a client using a helper process based on the nc(1) or ncat(1) binary using FILENAME as the standard input to the helper process.

As a result, the process will effectively run with FILENAME as the input from an HTTP client and then immediately exit. This is useful to test taler-exchange-httpd against many different possible inputs in a controlled way.

-h | –help

Print short help on options.


Specifies the log level to use. Accepted values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR.


Send logging output to FILENAME.

-r | –allow-reuse-address

Allow the exchange to re-use the listen port even if another service is already using it. Useful if multiple processes are used to increase processing capacity.

-T USEC | –timetravel=USEC

Modify the system time by USEC microseconds. USEC may be prefixed with + or - (e.g. -T +300). This option is intended for debugging/testing only.

-t SECONDS | –timeout=SECONDS

Specifies the number of SECONDS after which the HTTPD should close (idle) HTTP connections.

-v | –version

Print version information.

16.34.4. Signals

taler-exchange-httpd responds to the following signals:


Sending a SIGTERM to the process will cause it to shutdown cleanly.


Sending a SIGHUP to the process will cause it to re-execute the taler-exchange-httpd binary in the PATH, passing it the existing listen socket. Then the old server process will automatically exit after it is done handling existing client connections; the new server process will accept and handle new client connections.

16.34.5. See Also

taler-exchange-dbinit(1), taler-exchange-offline(1), taler-exchange-reservemod(1), taler-exchange.conf(5).

16.34.6. Bugs

Report bugs by using https://bugs.taler.net or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org>.